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产品名称:中频治疗仪 型号、规格:ECM99-IC 注册证编号:京械注准20182260199 结构及组成:由主机、电极和输出连线组成 适用范围:具有镇痛、兴奋神经肌肉的作用。 禁忌症:出血倾向、急性化脓性炎症局部、恶性肿瘤局部、心脏起搏器局部、金属内置物局部、心区、孕妇下腹部禁用。

咨询热线: 01063288847


ECM99-IC中频治疗仪有4个双向波输出通道和4个配合药物导入的离子导入通道,可以2-4路任意同步(处方、幅度)或异步工作,可对多个病人进行治疗,也可以对同一病人或多个病人的多个部位进行治疗;本仪器存贮99个特定的治疗处方,其中多步程序中频电流疗法处方30个(其中离子导入处方1 个),音频电流疗法处方19个,正弦调制中频电流疗法处方20个,脉冲调制中频电流疗法处方30个。


  1. 原始处方:存储了公司理疗专家顾问、发明人林士德的原始电子处方。

  2. 安全性更高:2018年延续注册(通过最新严格的安全检测,11项电磁兼容测试)。

  3. 同时治疗人数或部位多:同时治疗4个病人或4个部位。

  4. 治疗效率高:4个通道可以同步、异步治疗,大大提高治疗操作的速度。

  5. 处方数多:99个处方。


  1. 输出通道:双向波4路,离子导入4路。

  2. 输入功率:70VA。

  3. 处方类型:多步程序、音频电流、正弦调制、脉冲调制。

  4. 外形尺寸(长×宽×高):450mm×320mm×90mm。

  5. 重量:8kg。

Product Profile:

ECM99-IC IF Therapeutic Instrument has four bi-directional wave output channels and four ion introduction channels cooperating with drug introduction. It can work synchronously (prescription, amplitude) or asynchronously in 2-4 channels. It can treat multiple patients or multiple parts of the same patient or multiple patients. The instrument stores 99 specific therapeutic prescriptions, among which frequency current therapy in multi-step procedure is used. There were 30 prescriptions (one for iontophoresis), 19 for audio current therapy, 20 for sinusoidal modulation and 30 for pulse modulation.

Product advantages:

1. Original prescription: Store the original electronic prescription of Lindstein, the company's physiotherapy expert consultant and inventor.

2. Safer: Continued registration in 2018 (through the latest strict safety testing, 11 EMC tests).


3. Number or location of patients treated at the same time: 4 patients or 4 sites treated at the same time.

4. Efficiency of treatment: 4 channels can be synchronous and asynchronous treatment, greatly improving the speed of treatment operation.

5. More prescriptions: 99 prescriptions.


Applicable disease (prescription):

Analgesic effects: periarthritis of shoulder, epicondylitis of humerus, cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, degenerative osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, contusion, myofibritis, muscle strain, stenosing tenosynovitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, adnexitis, chronic pharyngolaryngitis, mammary gland hyperplasia, sciatica, peripheral neuropathy, articular contracture, chronic anterior column Adenosis.

Improve local blood circulation and promote the dissipation of inflammation: periarthritis of shoulder, epicondylitis of humerus, cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, degenerative osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, contusion, myofibritis, muscle strain, stenosing tenosynovitis, pelvic inflammation, appendix inflammation, chronic pharyngitis, mammary gland hyperplasia, sciatica, peripheral nerve injury Disease, joint contracture, chronic prostatitis, myositis, delayed union of fracture, Reynolds disease.

Softening scar to release adhesion: scar, scar contracture, postoperative adhesion, intestinal adhesion, post-inflammation sclerosis, post-injection sclerosis, penile cavernous sclerosis, hematoma organization, narrow tenosynovitis.


Excited nerve and muscle: Muscle dysfunction after nerve or muscle injury, disused muscle atrophy, postoperative intestinal paralysis, urinary retention, constipation, vocal cord paralysis, gastroptosis.

Product Certificate: Registration Certificate Number: Beijing Instrument Annotation 20182260199.


Basic parameters:

1. Output channel: bidirectional wave 4 channels, iontophoresis 4 channels.

2. Input power: 70VA.

3. Prescription types: multi-step program, audio current, sinusoidal modulation, pulse modulation.

4. Shape size (length * width * height): 450mm * 320mm * 90mm.

5. Weight: 8 kg.